We might stay here, in these difficult times, for much longer than initially anticipated. Remember that we are just visitors passing by through this life. We are here to fully enjoy it, but we are also here to learn something from every new experience. What is really important in this moment, is TO NOT LOSE HOPE. It is important to stay sane, healthy and in close contact with our inner-self. And what a better time than NOW, to listen to our inner-self, or so called Higher-Self, when Time lost its normal proportions? We suddenly discover that we have much more Time: for ourselves, for our self-analysis, for knowing ourselves better. What a better time than NOW for introspection, for discovering our flaws and our strong character features? To work on our flaws, improve and transform them, make us better versions of ourselves. Why we seem inherently unable to be more responsive to the world’s needs; where instead we seem instinctually inclined to put ourselves and our own needs ahead of everything and everyone else? In order to become a better person, we have to be willing to change. Change is the only way to grow and progress into the person one wants to become. Many people are against change, which can make it very hard to grow. When you keep an open mind and are willing to change, you are able to grow into the person you want to become. This is the real mission in which we could engage ourselves with enthusiasm and energy. Instead of self pity, depression and loneliness, we could be real Warriors of Light engaged in the battle of transforming ourselves.
We are living difficult times. We are living in countries who have declared state of emergency over coronavirus, so we are aware that it can be a real challenge not to easily slip into fear and anxiety with everything that’s happening right now all over the world.
But bear in mind that like any other emergency crisis, this one also carries within the seeds of great opportunity. Sometimes it takes an adversity to wake us up and integrate the fact that We Are One, We Are Interconnected, and what one of us is experiencing, on one level or another, We Are All Experiencing! And yes, there’s individual and collective fear, but there’s also a higher level of conscious living, collaboration, empathy, and genuine compassion. And there’s something we can always do because We Have Reiki by our side! Remember, Just for today, I will not worry. Just for today, I will not be angry. Just for today, I will be grateful. Just for today, I will do my work honestly. Just for today, I will be kind to every living thing. Just for today, all is well and deeply aligned with my sacred journey into Oneness. Reiki is our superpower and we can use it to write the story of 2020 as a year not solely as a global emergency but as a process of rebirth into a new way of being. We can emerge living more sustainably, peacefully, and authentically connected with ourselves and the world around us! Our trust, well-being, and inner balance are contagious as well so let’s invite Reiki in our lives and shift the energy for the greatest good of all involved. What We Can Do
As our planet and humanity move through this challenging time, let us remember that the energy of love is the most powerful of all and that Reiki is love in its purest form. Let’s allow it to lead the way. By Eugenio Lepine
We don’t know yet how it works. And yet, Reiki is trending among the Integrative and Complementary Therapies programs of so many hospitals. Several top medical facilities are realizing the benefits of Reiki, especially in the areas of pain control and cancer complementary care. In 2014, The Washington Post stated that: “more than 60 U.S. hospitals have adopted Reiki as part of patient services, according to a UCLA study, and Reiki education is offered at 800 hospitals” MAYO CLINIC The Mayo Clinic is ranking No. 1 at USNews.com’s Best Hospitals Honor Roll in 2019-20. This is a clear example of an integrative model, where the latest developments and technology are applied, but not neglecting the spiritual and emotional conflicts and needs that might arise during cancer treatment. Their Integrative Healing Enhancement Volunteering Program, along with the Clinic’s Complementary and Integrative Medicine Program, has a long-range of well being and healing services, in which Reiki is included. MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOSPITAL Reiki is offered at the Mass General/North Shore Cancer Center, through the HOPES Program. This Hospital is considered by many as the No. 1 on the East Coast. It expands all over the Boston area, and it’s a teaching hospital for Harvard Medical School, as well as being the performer of the largest hospital-based research program, which takes place across more than 30 departments. JOHNS HOPKINS The Johns Hopkins Integrative Medicine & Digestive Center, in Maryland USA, offers Reiki to its patients “to create deep relaxation, to help speed healing, reduce pain, and decrease other symptoms you may be experiencing“. Certainly, they don’t explain its mechanisms but have wisely adopted Reiki among acupuncture, integrative psychotherapy, and therapeutic massage. CLEVELAND CLINIC This facility is acknowledged as one of the top medical centers in the USA and also the world. It’s ranking No. 4 in the 2019-20 Best Hospitals Honor Roll, and No. 2 at a Newsweek’s article from 2019. In this hospital, several complementary therapies and treatments are included at the Cleveland Clinic Lyndhurst Campus, such as Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Therapy, Reiki, Yoga, Chiropractic Services, and many more. HARTFORD HOSPITAL Considered the 2nd best hospital in Connecticut, it’s also rated as high performing in 6 adult specialties and 5 procedures and conditions. It’s a general medical and surgical facility, as well as a teaching hospital. Specially trained Reiki Volunteers give free Reiki sessions throughout the main hospital, the Harry Gray Cancer Center, the Dialysis Unit, and the Brownstone Outpatient Clinic. Patients may request a session through their nurse or physician. ABRAMSON CANCER CENTER In 1973, the University of Pennsylvania established a cancer center to serve as the focus and stimulus for all cancer-related activities at the University. In 2002 it was renamed as the Abramson Cancer Center of the University of Pennsylvania. Reiki Therapy is available for any type of patient, either for the ones that are given infusions or also for those receiving treatments in the Radiation Oncology department. This therapy is available at the Perelman Center for Advanced Medicine. WINCHESTER HOSPITAL This one is a referent in advanced technologies, such as image-guided radiation therapy, intensity-modulated radiation therapy, and shaped-beam radiation. Despite the aggressive technologic approach, the Center for Healthy Living offers a wide selection of complementary therapies and activities like acupuncture, hypnotherapy, massage therapy, reiki, yoga, and much more. NORTHWEST HOSPITAL AND MEDICAL CENTER Located in Seattle, this clinical facility published a pdf file in which includes a long list of the cancer care services they provide, the list is a clever combination of top technology at the beginning, and biofield therapies and spiritual needs at the end of it. This has just been the tip of the iceberg. Reiki is also practiced at many other award-winning, and high-performing hospitals, such as the following:
REIKI IN AUSTRALIAN HEALTHCARE The Cancer Council in New South Wales, Australia (which is a ramification of the national council), provides resources, information, and support among cancer patients and relatives. They have displayed a very informative PDF file called Understanding Complementary Therapies, where Reiki is one of several energy therapies displayed. The Solaris Cancer Care is a leading Western Australian cancer support service provider, which promotes the concept of wellness for people at all stages of their cancer experience, this is why they have teamed up with the International Institute for Reiki Training (IIRT) and the Reiki Association (WA), and created the Reiki Community Clinic, to provide Reiki as a service to their members. REIKI IN LATIN AMERICA AND EUROPE Federal laws regarding support towards Complementary and Alternative Therapies have been discussed and sometimes approved. This is the case of Latin American countries like Brazil, Chile, and Argentina. And in Europe, the UK has the benefit of selected Trusts and Foundations that work diligently, and introduce energy healers into NHS Hospitals. Portugal and Spain (not so much Madrid but Barcelona compensates) have something to say about it as well. CONCLUSION At this point, it’s responsible to remember that we do not recommend the use of Reiki or alternative therapies as the only therapeutic approach. I recommend the use of complementary therapies that have been proven to be safe to use alongside conventional treatments. Particularly, I recommend Reiki therapy, as it’s my area of expertise, and I have witnessed many of its positive effects for health. Finally, to explain the reason for this trend, is that a cornerstone benefit of Reiki is general well-being and improvement, relaxation, and immune system optimization, among so many others. This makes you more resilient and joyful, independently of which situation your life is on at this moment. When suffering a disease, it can reduce pain, shorten recovery, and even improve the outcome. Also, it’s quite easy to couple with any treatment plan that was designed by an expert. This time of year holds many festivals and celebrations of light, and those of us who live in the northern hemisphere can really need those moments of light to lift our spirits when it’s dark and cold. Reminding us that there is light in the dark; the sun will return.
It’s tempting to fight the darkness and cold of winter, battling through it busily, doing our best to ignore the season until spring. But the seasons each have their part to play and gifts for us. It can be incredibly healing to take inspiration from Mother Earth at this time of year and sink our attention deep within ourselves. Taking our power within to nurture and heal inside; keeping our energy within ourselves to germinate seeds of new ideas and prepare the ground for spring when all our plans can come to fruition. If you’re struggling with the short, dark, cold days, take time to nurture yourself, create a cosy nest of blankets and cushions, light some candles (safely) and do some self healing. Meditate and go within, visualising any worries you have or plans for the future and bring beautiful light energy to them, see your troubles eased and your plans blossoming. You may wish to treat yourself with a couple of Reiki sessions that would help ease your stress. You can write or draw the things that you are working on during this season of hibernation , keep the words and images somewhere so that you can see them regularly and see a Reiki practitioner for finding out how to work on them regularly. Nurture yourself as the Earth does in winter; you can take this inspiration from the Earth further in any way that you are inspired or guided to do, this may include:
One of the most frustrating things to deal with is sleep deprivation. It can affect every area of your life and leave you willing to try any remedy that can provide relief no matter how unconventional it may be. Reiki sessions will greatly help you. What you can also do:
Meditation for powerful pain-relieving effects in the brain
www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/04/110405174835.htm Meditation for anxiety, depression www.huffpost.com/entry/does-meditation-really-help-with-depression-and-anxiety_n_58cad68ee4b0ec9d29d9e4a7 Meditation makes you more creative www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/04/120419102317.htm Meditation reduces the emotional impact of pain www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/06/100602091315.htm |
Paramahansa Yogananda"Live each moment completely and the future will take care of itself. Fully enjoy the wonder and beauty of each moment." Archives
October 2020
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